How to Get Rid of Cavities - Home Remedies & Health Coaching w/Mayim - The Arukah Method

by Arukah in Home Remedies / Holistic Dentistry Posted on 10/23/2021 05:05 PM

Learn the secrets to why our family NEVER needs to visits dentists!


Learn the art and science of Naturopathic Herbalism to become the healer of your home and your community, and build a profitable online health coaching business.


Unlock Your Potential as a Holistic Healer


Mayim Vega, Naturopathic Herbalist and Holistic Life Coach, started, the Holistic Life Academy in 2009 to help people attain holistic health and healing through The Arukah Method. In 2021, began offering the Holistic Healer certification program to train people in nutrition, herbalism, naturopathy, and health & life coaching. Her goal is to create an army of much-needed holistic healers that will pave the way to the future of healthcare. As the inventor & visionary Thomas Edison once said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

She was formerly a Computer Scientist/Engineer at the NASA Ames Research Center before starting her own family. She saw that the modern medical system was broken and took her family's health into her own hands by studying the top healers of our day. She believes the words of Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” when he said, “The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it...Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work.”

Dr. Gilsa Zorrilla, M.D.

"There are so many positive things I could say about Mayim Vega. She possesses extensive knowledge of health issues. My family and I never hesitate to contact her immediately whenever we have any questions. I’d recommend her

100% any day!"

Rivkah Jaton Maddox

"Mayim has helped me tremendously over the last 3 years in my journey toward healing. There have been

multiple times that I have inquired and received

invaluable wisdom and knowledge from her."

Dr. Ark Pizarro, M.D.

"She has helped us on multiple occasions with life lessons,

health counseling and business insights that you know are coming from a person of great knowledge and wisdom. If you have the pleasure of getting to know her I'm sure you will


Reviews & Testimonials from Our Students

I've had the pleasure of knowing and working with Mayim Coralyn Vega of over the past 5 years. In that time it has been an honor to know a person of such high integrity, self sacrifice and genuine interest in helping her fellow man.

Whether it's through her counsel, teaching or friendship she seeks to make the world a better place for all of us and is always offering her generosity and care to everyone.

She has helped us on multiple occasions with life lessons, health counseling and business insights that you know are coming from a person of great knowledge and wisdom. If you have the pleasure of getting to know her I'm sure you will agree.


Dr. Ark Pizarro, M.D.

There are so many positive things I could say about Mayim Vega, but today I'm going to focus on two that are very important to me. First is her willingness to always serve others, and second is her ability and openness to answering questions. She possesses extensive knowledge of health issues. My family and I never hesitate to contact her immediately whenever we have any questions about alternatives to conventional treatments that I already know of from my training in the management of diseases. I’d recommend her 100% any day!

- Dr. Gilsa Zorrilla, M.D.

Mayim has helped me tremendously over the last 3 years in my journey toward healing. There have been multiple times that I have inquired and received invaluable wisdom and knowledge from her. For example, I struggle with arthritis and have heart palpitations regularly. Mayim provided me with her formula for herbal calcium tea. After drinking it I felt a difference very quickly. Over time, my palpitations dissipated and my pain was relieved. I also had very healthy blood pressure after drinking the tea as she recommended for a few months. This greatly increased my quality of life. Additionally, I required more iron, as I as anemic and struggling, and she shared her super greens formula with me which also helped bring up my B vitamins. I saw a major improvement after drinking daily, and I began providing the drink to my children as well.

I was interested in naturopathic healing before acquiring Mayim's recommendations, but I have learned so much as a result. Herbal remedies, a whole foods diet, and many options for avoiding allopathic care have all added to my family's quality of life. More than that, though she has helped me navigate many trials and has been an integral part of my personal healing in that she has given me advice on how to process trauma, how to promote healing emotionally/physically, and how best to handle situations in my life. When I've needed honest advice, she has consistently listened and given fair advice in many areas of my life.

Lastly, Mayim is a successful entrepreneur from whom I have gotten many ideas from, while running a family business and has shared her knowledge and even challenges so that we as a family might be more successful. In all, she is an invaluable asset and cherished ally to our family and to me individually.

- Rivkah Jaton Maddox & Family

Dear Prospective Student / Client of Arukah or Mayim Coralyn Vega

I have been a longtime client of Mayim and her holistic company, Arukah.

Mayim is someone who believes in the intelligence of the body, as well as its capacity for self-healing. She is also skilled in a wide variety of herbal remedies, many of which she has shared with me.

It is through Mayim that I was introduced to naturopathic perspectives and practices, such as those taught by the late Dr. John Christopher and his School of Natural Healing. Much of what I learned while studying these teachings inspired and empowered me to take even greater control of my health and wellness journey. For this alone, I will forever be grateful.

Mayim and the entire team at Arukah have always been extremely professional and helpful. She and Arukah are generous with their time and advice and I know that they really care about me. The guidance and remedies I've received over the past five years have equipped me to support my body through any challenge.

Because of Mayim, I have a deeper understanding of and appreciation for my body's natural healing processes. I have learned to not live in fear. I have learned to trust my intuition of what my body wants and needs. And I live in greater freedom and awareness of my body's innate wisdom.


Whitley Bonner

Founder of Cob and Bale (Natural Buildling & EMF Shielding)



Life Coaching



DISCLAIMER: The information you receive from and it's representatives, on social media, via email, through Zoom, a phone call or text message, or in person, is for educational purposes only. The information is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional preferably someone also knowledgeable in naturopathy, homeopathy, orthomolecular nutrition, integrative or functional medicine. The facts presented are offered as information only in order to empower you - our information and programs are not medical advice - and in no way should anyone infer that we or anyone appearing in any of our content found anywhere are practicing medicine. Any diet, health, or lifestyle program you undertake should be discussed with your physician or other licensed medical professional. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of ANY material to your specific situation. NEVER stop or change your medications without consulting your physician. If you are having an emergency contact your emergency services: in the USA that’s 911.

DISCLAIMER: The information you receive from or Vega10 and it's representatives, on social media, via email, through Zoom, a phone call or text message, or in person, is for educational purposes only. The information is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professiona. The facts presented are offered as information only in order to empower you with knowledge - our information and programs are not medical advice - and in no way should anyone infer that we or anyone appearing in any of our content found anywhere are practicing medicine. Any diet, health, or lifestyle program you undertake should be discussed with your physician. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of ANY material to your specific situation. We must advise that you should never stop or change your medications without consulting your physician. If you are having an emergency contact your emergency services: in the USA that’s 911.